Ya can't win them all...
Unfortunately I don't have the connector thing to upload some of the entertaining shots of the evening. Those will come tomorrow. I had a run-in with a huge Deschutes Brewery tap, just to let you know.
I just can't seem to commit to anything more than Navy wives and wookiees.
So last week, after I had nervously chosen which flights will choose my destiny of going cross country...I knew I had to break the news to my mother.
A: "So mom, I'm thinking "blah blah blah" for Hayley's present, but I won't be here for it.
M: "Well when is it?"
A: "The 19th."
M: "Well, where will you be?"
A: "With wook."
M: "Okay, well when do you leave?"
A: "The 19th."
M: "When are you coming back?"
A: "The 30th."
M: "You're going to miss Christmas?!? Who's idea was that??"
A: "Wook and I's."
M: "Since when?"
A: "Definitely last night."
M: "Oh.....(long pause)...I thought I had one more year before I had to deal with this."
What does a girl say? Well, nothing. I'm stoked about seeing wook. And like any little sister, Hayley asks, "So do I not have to get you anything?" Well, I guess not if you don't want anything in return, lol.
Now I know that not having all the kids home for Christmas is strange, a change, not something a parent looks forward to. But it's bound to happen eventually. Besides, who else would you expect to be the first to push the envelope? I hope not the person who married a girl from a suburb of Medford. I mean seriously.
Christmas with wook countdown: 24 days :) (No, not excited, not at all!)
And ya know, if I don't have this all down correctly...whatever, lol. I'm a civilian, and I get a mulligan.
Wook is super excited he gets a month and a half off of actual responsibility over the holidays. He may have watch, but he's not at all concerned about being assigned that. It'll actually give him something to do. Wook will be taking house hunting leave probably after the first of the year. Don't quote me on that one though. I do know he wants to actually walk thru apartments before deciding on one. To those locals, *wink wink* who know their way around...he could probably use a good beer at that time. Seeing as he'll be moving without Joe and Andy, I'm sure he'll want to know the good places to eat. Besides Waffle House. :) There was almost a break-up between us if there wasn't a WH in Norfolk. MMMMmm...pecan waffle with warm syrup and a side of bacon. That's life.
Now here's a question: Is there any "good beer" (read: comparable to the fabulosity of the Microbrewery Heaven of Oregon) in Virginia? Sam Adams does not count. Sparkling water is for Europe, lol.
On another note: I am not looking forward to the week that wook will be in the field at SERE. Poor wookie. I mean, I know it's something he has to do. But a week of zero "you're cute" texts? What is the Navy trying to do to me? Okay, okay, teach him to save his ass. That's definitely a top priority because he's got a cute lil butt. Sorry for the possible visual. I happen to think it's adorable. But that's given, right?
And with the moving to Virginia comes reuniting with former Oregonians. :) Yay!
When's my next vacay scheduled?
I, however, about passed out at the news. I couldn't think straight. Someone put my brain in the blender and hit PULSE! Not functioning. Not productive. Not very good. But I am very happy for the boy. He got what he wanted. He gets to get the heck outta Florida. Can't blame him on that one. He'll be able to move out and live on his own, which is what he wanted. And he gets to learn a new city, which is a bonus. And there's Andy. Yay.
And for me when I visit, there's Sarah, and Mark, and Braxton, and KQ, and Meghan, etc. :)
Outfit all put together, a lil emo shot with the baby sis who was home for Halloween. She thought Medford was more fun than Portland for Halloween. I guess when you're only 18, ya have a point.
"Excuse me officer, have I escaped? Uh oh, does that mean you have to cuff me again?" ;)
The leaf shoes in all their glory. Unfortunately my hair wasn't really participating like I wanted. Oh well. At least I had leggings to keep my butt warm. And they provided an extra layer of something to keep the wandering hands off the booty. Once. Okay, that's fine. I'll take a vodka tonic. Twice. Shudder. I think I need to shower.
We were busting up at this shot. And I'm sorry for my paleness, but not really. What do people expect with red hair? A Lebanese olive tone? Riiiight. And my mom is the photog. Enough said.
Jello shot #2, or maybe #3. We needed to drink ourselves some courage since we were braving Ashland alone and slightly undressed. We settled right in as we were pretty inshape compared to some other girls who were out and about. Must have been the running regime we started.
We decided to take portraits before the 'you've been drinking' eyes set in.
Oh, I loved my wings. However when it got really crowded I had to hold them together behind my back.
Stacey and "Outback Mark." He works at Outback Steakhouse and bounces the bar we were at. Yay, no cover charge. Cuz I don't pay cover charge. I think it's cheap and retarded. I'd rather go to the seedy bar with good pours that doesn't charge a door fee than hob-knob with the snobs.
I don't know why I wore my watch. Not like I could really tell what time it was anyways. ;)
This was our artsy picture for Ashland.
So the night was spent drinking a round and then taking a walk around the Plaza. It was blocked off to traffic to allow the costumed people to roam the streets. It was downright awesome. I bought Stac and I's first round. A shot each of vodka. She bought our next round. Captain and Coke for her, vodka tonic for me. Rounds 3, 4, 5, etc. were bought by individuals of the gentleman behavior. The first guys were really genuine and just wanting to have a good time. Then it went downhill.
These two 'Top Gun students' proceeded to grab our butts and try and sweet talk us into eventually going home with them, lol. The guy who partnered off with me decided to show me a picture of himself shirtless on his iPhone. "If you like this, you can have it tonight." hahahahahahahahahah. At least we got a few rounds out of them before they got the hint. Mean to use men? No, it wasn't our intentions to have our drinks bought for us. We are working ladies (in classrooms and offices, not corners, lol) and so we have our own money. But I can't say it didn't make the night legen...dary.
We mingled some more after the flight students got too drunk to hold a conversation with. Shocking moment of the night: I was using the lil girls room as a guy was barfing in the stall over. Don't know how he missed the big "LADIES" sign, but he did. Hilarious moment of the night: A girl completely eating it down the stairs to the bathroom. She was probably too drunk to feel the pain. I however was completely aware of her misstep (pun intended, oh yes) and snicked behind my clear drink. Oh, evil nymph.
And as sad as it was not to have Collin there, we held our own and had a great time. And although Ashland wasn't the Bourbon Street experience I heard it to be, it was a pretty damn good time. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.
Okay so these next pictures showed the awesomeness of some of the attendees.
OMG, who didn't watch Doug growing up? Patty Mayonnaise? It's Quail Man!
This guy was awesome. All I could think about was The Village.
A bar isn't Halloween when there aren't Mormons.
This guy won our "best costume" award. A Rubix cube! The only thing was he couldn't fit thru the walkway very easily. Some older lady was like, "hey box, how about you move?" The whole bar was like, "He's a Rubix cube!" She didn't get it, lol.
And was it a night without a Meat Wagon? And other news-worthy stories. Captain Jack Sparrow got arrested. Some Trailer Trash girl puked in the bushes. And our driver (my dad) let us stop and get Taco Bell on the way home even though it was narrowing in on 2am. I chowed down on my Double Decker and called it a night. Woke up the next morning feeling awesome. Just the way Halloween should be.