Friday, April 24, 2009

Phi Psi Explosion: Revisited

As I was working on posting the pictures for Collin's work, I couldn't help but see that the folder right below had pictures of the frat house, post-explosion.  Thought I'd pass them on, just cuz.

This was the front door.  And there were windows there.

Around the side of the house, northern aspect.  You can see the wall cracked up top.

This is the northern wall off the great room.  It's literally pushed off the foundation from the force of the boom.  Many a memories were had on the couches that were there.  Sitting there, warm Corvallis day, ice cold beer, drunks walking past, homeless people roving for cans.  Memories...

Ya, that was brick.  Not anymore.

Ground zero of the basement.  Holy batman.

And the infamous video of Chris walking with someone of authority through the basement that made it on the news.  I don't have any news on what'll happen to the house.  Just that the poor paintings are gone.  My theory: If you rebuild, the artist will come back.


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