Saturday, April 25, 2009


Alright troops.  I said I'd be moving the blog soon, and that time has come.

Thank you Collin for your skilled techno-junkie habits.

Okay, be sure to change over your links/follow the new one.

I bring to you: Wookie & Co.

Enjoy the new scenery.  I'll be McMenamin's while you oogle.

Lunch Fit For a Queen

If I had to choose one beverage to indulge at the location of my choice it would be the Rubberhead.  While there are many other beers that also are favorites, there's just something about an ice cold pint of Rubberhead, the ambience of McMenamin's, and the entertainment of company.  Did I sell anyone else on that definition?

Nothing like snacking on the sesame chicken strips and a half appetizer of slightly cajunized tots.  Delicious.  Besides a buzz at like 2 in the afternoon is fun.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Best Friend Mark

The result of a wild goose chase for a stinkin' shirt.

The front.  I did my best "I worked at Abercrombie" fold.  Ya, you can tell.  I didn't even work at Kmart.

I think this sealed the deal.  "Mark, the second shirt has a ninja-y Benny Beaver on the back."  Mark, ninjas, sold!

Who am I now: Super Best Friend Ashley.


Got word from my brother this morning.  

Laptop was shipped out yesterday, should be here Monday.

Phi Psi Explosion: Revisited

As I was working on posting the pictures for Collin's work, I couldn't help but see that the folder right below had pictures of the frat house, post-explosion.  Thought I'd pass them on, just cuz.

This was the front door.  And there were windows there.

Around the side of the house, northern aspect.  You can see the wall cracked up top.

This is the northern wall off the great room.  It's literally pushed off the foundation from the force of the boom.  Many a memories were had on the couches that were there.  Sitting there, warm Corvallis day, ice cold beer, drunks walking past, homeless people roving for cans.  Memories...

Ya, that was brick.  Not anymore.

Ground zero of the basement.  Holy batman.

And the infamous video of Chris walking with someone of authority through the basement that made it on the news.  I don't have any news on what'll happen to the house.  Just that the poor paintings are gone.  My theory: If you rebuild, the artist will come back.

My Weekend Activities

I'm playing with the 3 kittens/1 mama that Katie is fostering.  These little guys are 5-6 weeks, and oohhh-so-adorable.  There'll definitely be more of them.

The Life of the Employed

Want to know what it's like to be Collin?  Minus the toe fungus.  Well, after indulging in mexican food upon my arrival into town, we had to stop by Collin's work to fix something about a red light.  I don't know either, I'm just relaying.

I think these are servers.  Or is it just one server as a whole?  As you see, this is not my forte.  Just looking at all this crap makes my head really hurt.

Good lord.  I wouldn't know where to start.

But as you can see, Collin's very proud.

What a hot mess.  I don't even think I'd want to try.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this person may be a bit anal.  Just a thought.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just a Little Announcement

Sometime tomorrow I plan on making my way up north to the great town of Corvallis. There are people to visit. Food to eat. Probably some wine to be had. Good times had by all.

Anyways, I would like to inform the masses of a secret project I've been working on.

But first, more information.

After much deliberation and contemplation, I'm making a big move. Literally. In 2 weeks, I'm packing up 2 checked bags and my carry-on for the destination of Norfolk. For good? Not sure. For a job? Yes. At least, that's my goal. The rest is for Future Ashley to work out.

There are many factors that have influenced this decision. I've toiled for days, weeks, months to much duress and imbibation. I haven't worked since January after losing my job. I love Norfolk far more than the sand land of Occupied Alabama (Florida). I feel that now is the chance I have to break out, try something new, and see if I can survive outside the nest.

That's pretty much it all in a nutshell.

And so with that knowledge, people, I can let you guys in on my secret. :)

It's a known fact that my layout is plagued. It sucks, but it's true. And because I have no idea how to fix it, I have another plan. I'm launching a new blog. A new title and name, which seems fitting. So once I get the Boomerang posts transferred, things will be as good as gold.

I'm excited. You guys should be too.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heatwave, Medford Style

Flirting with the 90-degree mark for a second day in a row, the comfortable interior takes a toll on the occupants.

Contents, Revealed

A girl can be defined by the contents of her purse, shoulder bag (mine - purchased 4 years ago?, for $12.99 at Target and I still love it), wristlet, clutch, etc.

Let's see how my definition pans out.

Nothing too controversial. An Alicia Keys case that actually houses Justin's FutureSexLoveSounds CD. A ziploc of Emergen-C and some Crystal Light packets. My electronic solitaire game when boredom hits out in public. My folder of resumes and a notebook for that orientation I had to go to yesterday.

Tissues, tampons, lotion, eye cream, lip gloss, keys, gum, hair brush, wallet, Yogi Tea, MP3 player, headband, planner - nothing too out of the ordinary.

The only things missing from the photo shoot were my camera and cell phone. I was using both. At the same time. Yes, I'm talented. My dad was asking, "where'd russia go?" And my camera was at work. Plus they're a little shy. You'll have to excuse them.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Weather Report: Norfolk, VA

I didn't think that Virginia could get tornadoes. Guess I was wrong.

Celebrity Sighting

One of the luxuries of Oregon is the beer. We all know that. And with a trip to Portland, comes a trip to McMenamin's. The quenching taste of a Rubberhead in a cold pint brings a halo to my heart as little cherubs dance. Don't believe me?

' "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -Benjamin Franklin " - Michael Scott' - Ashley Fields (Please tell me you Office fans get this).

Well what...or should I say who...does my dad notice sitting behind Brad and Hayley? "Hey, look, it's Charles Manson!"

"Hhahaahhahaah." - me, "Who's Charles Manson?" - Hay & Brad

"It's so easy, a caveman can do it." - me.

"Hahahhahahaa." - group laugh.

Yes, the picture is blurry. Yes, Brad's head is partially in it. We had to pretend we were taking a pic of Brad & Hay so it didn't look super obvious. And I didn't put the flash on because I didn't want to be that person. So I apologize for the proof. But still, it's pretty funny.

Rescue 911

As you know, my dad had a gig in Seaside last week. What you didn't know is that he's a hero.

After years of Crisis Intervention with the Oregon State Police SWAT Team, he put his life on the life yet again to save another 2 individuals. All for what? Not a pat on the back. Not a key to the city. But because it's his duty as an upstanding citizen to react when necessary for the bettterment of mankind. Let us toast.

Near the back of the Seaside Safeway sat these 2 defenseless characters. On the clearance rack. Not an ounce of dignity left. Like the brother and sister Chocolate labs at the Humane Society. Not even sad eyes could waver anyone's attention to rescue them.

Good thing my dad has a heart.

He scooped up these 2 loving pups for a killer price of $5/6-pack. Anyone who knows their AKC registered price is over $8/6-pack regularly. But because of a slight defect in their exterior, they were cast away like the lepers. Not this time. You have a home now, little fellas. You'll be taken care of in a nice, cold fridge. You'll be celebrated with joyous cheers. You'll be the center of attention. Don't despair, you ugly ducklings. You're both beautiful swans.

My Movie Marathon

What happens when your parents go out of town and leave you allll alone?

You sit on the couch and watching movies. Wow. Party Animal, I know.

On my viewing pleasure:

I may have missed one in my delusional attempt to remember my weekend's going on. But not bad for, eh, 50-some odd hours with zero supervision. Aren't I one for the Wild Child club?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oh, My Aching Back...

As you know, the parents are out of town. As you know, when the cat's away the mice will play.

In my recent efforts to go through every single thing I possess, I've turned to the garage. My parents' garage. The garage that houses every other momento to our family (2 parents, 4 kids...that crap adds up). I swear, it looks like the set for Band of Brothers.

You won't believe the awesome, and not so awesome, stuff I found.

- About 5 half bottles of booze. Dude, where have you been this whole time I've been living with my parents?

- A years worth of Fitness magazines. From 1995. Yes,

- My doll that was used during the "doll dance" in the Nutcracker.

- An awesome Beaver scarf. Score. Dibs.

- My favorite 90's shoes that are reminicent of the Spice Girls.

- My Senior project.

- And all my sports shirts from my years of althletics. Now it's my turn to turn them into a quilt when I have the time, the space, the supplies, and the sanity.

And this is just the good stuff that I found. Who cares about the crap that I can't recall. You guys aren't losing sleep over. At least I hope not. If that's the case. You're in worse shape than me. That's not a compliment.

Now, unfortunately, it's my job to organize it all. The booze will add to the collection (that is if it's any good. We'll let Hayley test it out). The shirts will be added to my collection for varying sewing projects. The scarf will go into the sacred Beaver Gear box. You get the picture.

But first, I'm getting dragged out to a comedy show. Ya, exactly. Medford. Comedy. Plus a $4 cover. Well as long as there's a bar. I can always laugh after I've been drinking.

Due Date: May 8th

There comes a time when you welcome a bundle of joy with open arms. This is that moment.

This is my baby. My brother ordered it earlier this week. I'm so excited for her to come. Let's hope she's a premie. I really am losing my patience with my "hoja de mierda." I just want a new computer. It's been too long. Almost 5 years.

But rest assure the old laptop will have a proper send off. It'll involve the mountains, a little bit of ammo, and wook's Turkish Mauzer. That's right. It's getting blown to smithereens. I love knowing Navy boys with toys.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now

Yay. I've reached maturity. My parents are leaving for the weekend. I get the house to myself. Woohoo.

Okay, so I realize that I'm not 12 and this is not exactly a huge landmark. But I'm still entertained by the fact that I'll have free range of the place. Which means I'll probably be glued to the couch, watching tv, surfing on my dad's laptop (if he doesn't take it), contemplating the possibility of a maid. Life's rough.

But I should probably get going on that growing list of things I have to do. I've been a little off my schedule lately. Thanks to my dad getting a gig in Portland, I was able to drive him north, he was able to kick out 4 reports, and I made a little money. Not too shabby for a little driving, some McMenamin's, and hanging out at Chateau de Hayley.

But the real work starts today. I've got a downstairs to clean. Just wait. You'll see.