Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now

Yay. I've reached maturity. My parents are leaving for the weekend. I get the house to myself. Woohoo.

Okay, so I realize that I'm not 12 and this is not exactly a huge landmark. But I'm still entertained by the fact that I'll have free range of the place. Which means I'll probably be glued to the couch, watching tv, surfing on my dad's laptop (if he doesn't take it), contemplating the possibility of a maid. Life's rough.

But I should probably get going on that growing list of things I have to do. I've been a little off my schedule lately. Thanks to my dad getting a gig in Portland, I was able to drive him north, he was able to kick out 4 reports, and I made a little money. Not too shabby for a little driving, some McMenamin's, and hanging out at Chateau de Hayley.

But the real work starts today. I've got a downstairs to clean. Just wait. You'll see.


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