Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What are you?

So Ethan Allen has this quiz you take to determine what your decorating sense is. And because I love procrastinating as opposed to preparing exquisite resumes/cover letters for jobs I've found, I choose to entertain the Bloggeratzis.

"The verdict is in—your style is Metro. Metro is a great modern space. Chic, comfortable, clean. Do the math. Strong horizontals plus graphic clarity plus a fearless blending of metal, woods, leathers, and wovens; minus the superfluous and the clichéd; equals urban architecture domesticated, a vision for living.

This online portfolio shows your style. Brought to life in rooms. A subtle mix of furniture, accessories, and attitude. Different “looks.” Because every home should be unique. Come see. "

So either post on your own blog if you feel so entertained, or leave a comment about which you are. I'm curious how everyone turns out. Not that I don't know people's styles already. That way I can make fun of those who get "Estate"...have you had your fiber regularity today? ;)


Blogger Mehgan said...

Mine's "global". I guess kitschy is too kitsch for Ethan Allen. Snobs.

April 14, 2009 at 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rash, wouldn't you have guessed, according to Ethan Allen my style is "global". Now if that global style can find me a fabulous apartment in Vienna, then shoot, I'm on a role!

April 14, 2009 at 3:17 PM  

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