Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crater Lake 2.0

Like last year, we decided to trek up to Crater Lake (which is only an hour and a half drive from Medford, maybe two hours) to participate in the weekend Ranger-guided snowshoeing adventure. To be honest, I feel kinda like I'm cheating part of the world by living so close to a national wonder. There were people there from Sac, Monterey, Hood River, etc. And us from Medford. Big stretch. But I still love it. How can someone not love the snow at 7,000 feet?

Pimping out the backseat of the truck on the way up. This was the only picture that didn't get the unfortunate double chin associated with taking shots of yourself.

So last year there were two people who didn't have CamelBaks and they gophered water from my hydration pack. Well thankfully those two (my brother and Babs) finally invested in their own so I didn't have to acquire cooties on my mouthpiece.

Moving out at the beginning of the trek. This was a nice level area to move about. It definitely got steep in some places. And the half inch layer of ice on the snow was sometimes helpful, but sometimes it just hinders the walking ability.

My dad, in "ass-less chaps." These are a staple for cold weather Beaver games. And sometimes he'll break out into a psuedo-striptease dance. Hysterical. You really have to be there to experience it. And just a note: My dad's CamelBak is under his vest, just for future reference. ;)

Starting to move up the slope of things. Last year's hike was probably half of how far we went today. It was pretty cool to get the full hour and a half that was slated for this outing. Last year's guy was a bit older and probably didn't want to expend the full energy to give us a bad ass tour. But thankfully this guy was a bit younger, and more spry, and was more than willing to give us an excellent outing.

More emo shots. With our latest haircutting spree, under the beanies we seem a little more 'cancer patient' than anything.

Family shot. Okay, not everyone. Just dad, myself, and brother.

Playboy shot in front of the caldera. And as you can tell, my dad and brother are dudes and thus didn't wear too many layers. Stac and I were fully dressed for the occasion, because once we got to the rim the wind was whipping. Ugh. Cold. Yay for beanies.

The last shot of the day on our hike out. That trek reminded me of why I don't want to be on a fire crew again. There was a stretch uphill that about killed everyone. Not my dad, though. He's a champ. So ya, sorry to disappoint people compared to my Cannon Beach shots. But I never said I was a pro. Besides most pictures were taken on the move while following the chain of people. So there.

And an amazing story from the Park. Apparently around 12:30pm, some guy had lost his cellphone down over the rim. So instead of informing someone, he decided to go down after it. So after falling 300 yards, paramedics were called in to retrieve him. Dumbass. That better have been an expensive cellphone. Mine's only $20, so I would have bagged the whole thing. I don't think calling in Fire Dist. No. 3 (from White City) would have been necessary. So by the time we were headed off the mountain (can I call it a mountain?), around 4:00-something, they were still working on getting him back up. I'd call it a loss. Moron.


Blogger Mehgan said...

Yes, you are cheating. I am totes jealous. I haven't seen snow in ages. And, of course, there's not much in the way of mountains out here--crazy.

February 1, 2009 at 9:50 AM  

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