Friday, January 2, 2009

The journey continues...

What happens when you take one wookiee, have the Navy pack up most of his possessions, and have him trek off to a new city?

"I'm homeless!!" - his quote

Now while he's not yet living under a bridge or at an I-5 rest stop, he will in fact be "homeless" if only for a few days.

The movers arrive today, sometime between "9am and 1pm." Love that punctuality, lol. Until then, we're still perusing for a suitable apartment/house/dwelling for wook to really enjoy a.) living in a place with much more class than Florida, and b.) living alone and can decorate in his taste of furnishings. We're looking at anything from the standard apartment complexes near the beach, to downtown lofts, to whatever we stumble upon, honestly.

And a quick update: The movers are packing everything up as I type. (8:45 CST. Bright and early. I like it.)

He'll be taking a longer route up to Virginia, through North Carolina, so he can hang out with his dad a bit more before setting up camp officially on the East Coast. The plan will be to bunk with Mr. Mew so wook can actually tour some locations before finally deciding on one. We found a nice place on the water but the guy wanted a commitment before wook even had a chance to see it. I realize the times right now where rent income is needed, so I understand the owner's wanting it occupied, but I also know I want wook to love where he's living. Glad everyone's kosher.

I don't remember those exact dates that wook is officially supposed to report to Virginia, I just do know that he's scheduled to report to Maine between the 17th and 19th. Now while this was all I could focus on when leaving him in Nashville (I just feel bad for the guy, but I do realize it's necessity), I don't want to hear an ink of it for when I visit. Hearing about him getting beat up is the last thing I'd want to hear. Ignorance is bliss.

He's scheduled back into Virginia at the very end of January, which will leave him with a little time to set up house before I arrive on official Navy business myself. Okay, maybe not official. And maybe not even Navy business. But I'll be flying across to take a much needed breather from the West Coast. Now don't get me wrong. I love the West Coast. I'm just feeling a little detached from that silverback gorilla of mine, and would like to experience a new city alongside him. And if I'm lucky, I'll be able to have some spottings of displaced Oregonians. Yay.

It's an exciting time for everyone. Wook's super excited to get out on his own. It's a new city, in a place which will start his E-2 career. From what he hears, it's a fun-loving group of guys. Should be good for him. Can't have him miserable, after all. That's no good. And good thing he knows most of the E-2 class already, which was most of Joe's squadron. Should have zero time breaking in the city. Can't wait.

But first stop: Acquiring a residence, complete with mailbox, that wook can call home.


Blogger Mehgan said...

If you don't call me when you get out here, I'll be very sad. I'm hear until May, so you don't have any excuses. Just so you know.

January 2, 2009 at 11:18 AM  

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