Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sight-Seeing Downtown Norfolk...

What do two people do who don't feel like spending money and can walk anywhere Downtown?

Tour the sights.  We'd been out once before but I didn't bring my camera along...woops.

Me: "I want to see a sunrise over the Atlantic."
Wook: "This is the same thing."
Me: "No it's not.  This is a bay, not the ocean."
Wook: "It's all salt water."
Me: "So...the Puget Sound is not the Pacific."  (snap)

So I think the bay is only a couple blocks off of where wook lives.  It's cute.  There's a Members Only Dock Club, which probably pours a good drink or two.  The only thing I've noticed about this area is a severe wind which can get through my small collection of scarves I've brought.  Now I know, next time bring more wool scarves for February.

This is one of the few cobblestone streets that are in the cute little refurbed Downtown residential area.  I would not want to repair a pipe under this section of town.  And it's along the Cannonball Trail.  What the heck does that mean?  (That's what you get for being from Oregon, where our history is just Lewis and Clark.)

Woohoo, big boat!  "It's a ship."  Whatever.  I'm a civilian, and will always be.  Sorry, no uniform in my future.  Unless it's Halloween.  Then it's 'game on.'  This is part of the USS Wisconsin, which is tourable.  Yay.  That's good news for my family when we come for wook's graduation.  We love dorky Navy tours.  The carrier in Diego was pretty fun.

So this little metal guy is a tribute to all those who've served, are serving, and will serve in the Nar-vy.  It's made out of old ship scraps.  Made by the official Navy sculptor.  Pretty nifty.

One of the bitchin' trips around Downtown was happening to stumble into the MacArthur Memorial.  Gotta love free museums.  While we were there, we were passed by 3 or 4 other peoples/groups while wook and I read every board.  We're nerds like that.  

Here are the Mac and his Mrs.  Kinda creepy knowing that there are bodies in there.  Don't know if you can read the dates, but Mac was 18 years older than his (second) wife.  Nice work.

List of accomplishments.  Pretty impressive.  I think my dad will dig walking around this place whenever wook's class gets the green light to graduate.

Look at those bloomy pants.  Thank goodness pleats are no longer in.

Some badass painter put together this huge oil murals around the place.  Impressive.

Wook oogling one of the boards.  This is the only marking all of his late-in-life accomplishments.  Earning some uber award at West Point.  The flag is the one that was presented to his wife after his funeral.  Apparently the week before he died, he was still rubbing elbows with the President.

Look at that chest candy.  Man, that's some big cheese.

And lastly wook gave me a tour around base.  As you can see it was around late afternoon.  What a pretty piece of metal.  I'll have to agree with wook.  This base doesn't seem very superficially aesthetic.  It's not like Pensacola or Bangor, where there's fresh paint on places and things are spruced up.  Instead, it's like a real Navy base.  Rusty.  Gotta love it.  Now I can't wait for Andy to get back from his little deployment.


Blogger Mommy McD said...

Fun times. I sent you an email last night - but apparently the drugs are affecting my brain cuz I did your email addy wrong.
The other thing that is different about the east coast - is they all call it the Lewis and Clark trail instead of the Oregon trail. Apparently only Oregon does that...Who knew?

February 18, 2009 at 1:03 PM  

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