Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wookie sightings...

So this morning at 6:30 CST, a hungover wookie woke up to begin Day 1 in his relocation to VA.

Now why hungover, you ponder.

Well last night was half-price beer at Jelly Fish, a karaoke bar, and wook took the microphone to serenade the crowd to "Brandy," "Rocket Man," "Sweet Caroline," and other alike songs. He claims that the crowd seem to enjoy his performances. I'll believe that just because I wasn't there to witness. Dang it.

So with 900 lbs of stuff in his Jeep, including "three motion sick pissed off turtles," wook headed north to his dad's in Sylva, NC to help break up the drive. Also, wook and his dad are dang near clones, minus 25 years difference, so they'll be imbibing the night away as another successful trek to his dad's. Wook amazes me in his ability to sit in a car for the whole drive, with rarely a rest area stop. That was usually my department. "Oooo, let's take a picture." "Uh, oh. Ya, that soda went through me."

Tomorrow, or maybe Thursday, wook'll find his way into Norfolk with plenty of time to spare in reporting. First thing on his list is housing. Thankfully wook has a guy friend who's already in the area looking for appropriate dwellings. The one place that I found online and we both liked is apparently a hole. And as Sarah says, men even have low standards, lol. So hopefully this guy will come through with some successful finalists for when wook gets into Norfolk to give the ultimate opinion.

With regards to my impending visit, thankfully I wanted to postpone buying a ticket until we could finalize the dates a bit firmer. Well wook confirmed his dates to and from SERE today and they definitely don't correspond with our original travel plans. Initially I was to come in on Feb 4th. Well now wook doesn't get back till the 6th from California. That means I would have had 2 days to wander the lonely earth. Okay, maybe not that bad. I do know some people in VA that would have let me couch hop. But thankfully now we can move the dates out a bit and not have to rely on someone's sofa to sustain me.

And I totally had more to blog about, but it seems that beer I had with dinner [gumbo] has left my brain connections a little groggy. Yes, I promise it was only one. Sadly. A girl's still gotta work out tonight. Hello Christmas cookies that still need to be worked off. Glad to know the night's just begun.


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