Saturday, January 10, 2009

Progress is made...

It's hard to figure out how to open a blog on yesterday's and today's antics when so much has been done. It's really exciting to see progress and a light at the end of this current tunnel.

So yesterday wook spent his first night in his new place. He was surprised with all he crammed into his Jeep on the trek up. And the turtles are thankful to be out of sloshing water and are currently in their old tank on the bathroom floor until wook can find one that's bigger and fits his budget. So far he's been cruising around on foot to see what the area brings. He's loving it so far, and I'm loving what I'm hearing. The supermarket nearby is a bit more expensive than he expected, but just think that you don't have to drive someplace for groceries (and they carry organic stuff. Yay! I'm still working on getting him to buy eggs in cardboard receptacles. He'll see the light eventually, lol.)

I'm excited on my end of the country as I was able to book my flight back East today. Now while I didn't get my ideal flights of Medford to Denver, etc. (the prices kept jumping like $200+ bucks, probably because it's a popular route), I'll settle connecting in Frisco because it was a nice price. Thankfully I'll be staying United so I won't have to dodge in and out of random terminals, which totally ruined my day that one instance. The only bad part of this round of flying is my return trek. I leave Norfolk at like 7:20 am. On a Sunday. Ouch. (Why a Sunday? Well wook has to work on Monday. It's just easier. Although it totally puts a damper on Saturday night. But I'll live somehow. I have to. I have a cruise to go on for Spring Break.) The only other choices for the price range we got were 6:00 and 6:18. Ick. To fly out past noon added like another $100. No thanks. People will just have to deal with my eye boogies.

So today is just going to be a nice, relaxing day for me. I've already started some laundry. I still haven't unpacked from coming back from Christmas, so that's on the list. I'll need to put my clean clothes away. Need to make the bed. Overall, need to pick up my living quarters after the annual Christmas Bomb explosion. (You know, when you get new stuff you don't have places for it yet.)

Just trying to stay busy as I watched the final BCS game on Thursday. Sad. Season's over. For everyone. What to do, what to do? Can't read because I don't have my white noise of gunfire, which totally puts a damper on the books that I've acquired from the Book Exchange. It's sad to think that I can't get into a book without hearing wook battle in WOW, or F.E.A.R, or Command and Conquer. But hey, gamer's need girlfriends too. That's why I'm awesome.


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